- "The voices and speaking styles of brand personalities" in cooperation with the chairs of Digital Markets and Marketing
- "Speech traits of (the severity of) Parkinson's disease"
- DFG project "Perceptual and Acoustic Correlates of Young and Aged Voices" (Akustische und perzeptive Korrelate von Stimme und Sprechweise junger und alter Sprecher und Sprecherinnen)
Online Perception Tests
- Online test on the recognizability of brand personalities via voice and speaking style
- Online test of the perception of speaker age; cross-sectional design
This data collection is completed! For details on the design, the analysis of the data, and it's results please refer to Brückl (2011, p. 172 ff.). - Test of the perception of speaker age via speech stimuli and via vowel stimuli; longitudinal design
This data collection is completed! For details on the design, the analysis of the data, and it's results please refer to Brückl (2007) or Brückl (2011, p. 218 ff.).
Research Interests
- Capture of nonlinguistic information in speech utterances by humans (speaker traits and states) with machines
- Speaker age
- Speaker personality
- Speaker identity
- Speaker emotion
- Speaker health and fitness
- Acoustic (speech) signal analysis
- Voice quality (tremor, breathiness, roughness, hoarseness, ... )
- Speaking styles (speech rate, articulatory precision, monotony/rhythm/prosody of articulation, ... )
- Empirical methods
- Statistical procedures for the assessment of (interjudge-) reliability
- Test construction
- Missing values
- Acoustical and statistical methods of forensic voice and speaking style comparison
- Cognitive aspects of the perception of speech utterances (spoken language, voice and speaking styles)