Vocal Communication, Speech Technology, Phonetics:
- book series Mündliche Kommunikation, Logos Verlag
- link page of the Chair for Communication Science (Fachgebiet Kommunikationswissenschaft), TU Berlin
- Ars Auditus – Online tutorial on auditory perception by Martina Kremer
- Praat – open source speech processing program by Paul Boersma and David Weenink
- Praat Script Archives – selection of Praat scripts provided by Joe Toscano
- Praat Script Resources – selection of Praat scripts provided by the UCLA Department of Linguistics
- Akustyk for Praat – cleared from the web??? – Praat scripts and courses by Bartlomiej Plichta
- Praat Vocal Toolkit – Praat script toolbox by Ramon Corretge
- VocalTractLab – articulatory speech synthesis by Peter Birkholz
- web site of my colleague Ralf Winkler
- International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
- International Phonetic Association (IPA)
Search for Literature:
- Zeitschriftendatenbank – search for journals in German libraries
- catalogue-menu of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin – search for journals and books in German libraries
- Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog – search for journals and books